The Body Book by Silver and Wynne for grades 3-6 Several models of the body to copy and cut. The skeletal, digestive, and pulmonary systems can be colored, cut and built into one model about 3 ft long. We also used one model from the muscular system.
Dem Bones by Bob Barner (skeletal system) Sing it!
Visual Dictionary of Human Anatomy by DK
Now One Foot, Now the Other by De Paola (nervous system)--about learning how to walk as a child and again after a stroke. We discussed how strokes effect the brain.
Tom (ligments) by De Paola
Bump, Thump, How Do We Jump? by Lobb, Utton, and Savage--activities
On Top of Mount Everest by Jack Myers--Human body related Highlights articles collected into a book
Calavera Abecedario: A Day of the Dead Alphabet Book by Winter (skeletons)
Bone mosaics at Santa Maria della Concezione dei Cappuccini
Summaries of our study (done in conjuction with a study of mosaics) including some activities not mentioned here. Everyone was 3rd grade or younger.
Day 1
Day 2
Days 3, 4, & 5
Songs I forgot to get from Itunes and make a CD of:
- You Gotta Have Skin by John Lithgow
- Dem Bones by Kidzone
- Dem Bones by Hip Science--rap which had Latin names of bones
- Circulation from School House Rock
- Telegraph Line from School House Rock
I'm not sure the School House Rock stuff is available there. The others are for sure.